
Frequently asked questions about BabyFlix

  • Is BabyFlix free?

    BabyFlix is free, but using the Flix10k AI enhancement requires a subscription. Ask your ultrasound provider if they are a BabyFlix partner. In many cases, BabyFlix Flix10k AI is included in their ultrasound package.

  • How does BabyFlix Flix10k AI handle ethnicity?

    Ultrasound machines do not see color — they capture images in grayscale. BabyFlix Flix10k AI enhancement interprets what the ultrasound captured and makes a best guess at skin tones and hair color. That guess may or may not be accurate. Again, it’s a limitation of the original ultrasound image.

  • How come hands and feet sometimes look unexpected?

    BabyFlix Flix10k AI applies five algorithms that magically enhance your baby’s ultrasound into photorealistic images of the face. That’s where your baby’s personality comes to life.

  • Can more than one person share an account?

    Yes, moms can share the BabyFlix log-in with spouses, grandparents, friends, and others. Please know all invited users will have the same account privileges. Be careful when sharing the login details.

  • Can I use the AI to enhance any ultrasound image?

    Yes, moms can upload any image of their baby/babies into BabyFlix Flix10k AI for enhancement. We do not allow moms to upload someone else’s ultrasound images for enhancement. It’s one mother per account.

  • Who has access to the photos?

    Images of your baby will only be seen by those with access to your BabyFlix account. BabyFlix may use images to train and improve our platform, but it will never share or show them publicly.

  • How long can I access my baby photos?

    Images will remain in your BabyFlix gallery as long as your account is active. You can even download them into your preferred photo app.

Get 10 free pics from Shutterfly!

Upgrade to a BabyFlix Flix10k AI account and unlock FREE Shutterfly prints monthly. Turn your baby’s AI-enhanced ultrasound images into cherished memories that are perfect for baby books, announcements, picture frames, and more.

It’s time to see your baby!

Get started with BabyFlix for iOS or Android.

BabyFlix through your clinic

When you purchase BabyFlix through your ultrasound provider, all images are automatically uploaded for you.

BabyFlix for you

Download your FREE BabyFlix app, then upload ultrasound images and apply AI enhancement yourself.